Why are horses important?
Introducing Katy Pistole And her beloved Scooter Beautiful Brokenness Ministries Katy working with Freya Why are horses important? Believe me, I’ve asked myself this question many times. Now that we have cars, who really needs a 1,200+ lbs. pet? A big animal means big messes. Not just that, but how about owning a pet that could hurt you inadvertently? How smart is that? But even as we spit out the excuses as fast as they pop into our head, the flip side is well…..dull. And as the Bilbo-Baggins-inside-of-each-one-of-us says, “I think I am quite ready for another adventure.” Anyone who’s ever been in the company of a beautiful horse knows the longing to reach out and touch it, to talk with it, to move beyond admiration to interaction. But the attraction truly goes beyond admiration. There is a God built-in uniqueness to the design of the horse. People ask, “Is there anything to Equine Therapy?” The answer is a firm ‘yes.’ Horses help men. There is a saying that the “outside of a horse is [...]