Freya standing for the first time
John and family petting Freya during WSS Winter Retreat
Freya- a horse arrives in the world (part 1)
As written by Renee Krider from the events of March 22, 2022– As I remember the birth experience of our big foal, Freya and God’s provision- This all started when my husband and I bought a twelve year old Belgian mare to pull a sled to gather maple sap for our maple syrup business. We were looking forward to having an old fashion experience for our visitors of gathering sap by dumping buckets into a horse drawn sled with a dumping container. About December I mentioned to Jack, my husband that I thought this Amish raised mare, Belle, may be carrying a foal. A blood test revealed my suspicions were in fact correct.
The problem was a blood test does not provide the due date. I read everything trying to remember all the signs of a previous foaling now almost fifty years ago. Noting that the veterinarian said he very much doubted it would occur before April because of how mares cycles occur. I was nervous about the fact there appeared to be several physical changes that indicated it would be before April. The main change was she was beginning to look as though she would soon be able to feed a foal.
We began to make a foaling pen for Belle in our barn due to the weather being cold and damp, as it usually is in March in Pennsylvania. To complicate matters we were to go to Virginia to watch our grandchildren for a week. We tried setting up a camera to keep a constant eye on the situation, but to no avail, our barn would not allow the cell support needed. Next best thing was to have a vet-tech check on Belle while we were gone. The day we were to leave, we went to barn to do morning chores and check on Belle in her foaling pen only to find our big blessing. It was March 22, 2022, and in the dawning hours, Belle birthed our precious filly.
To begin with, she needed help getting those long long legs under her. The vet told us that is sometime a problem for the baby drafts. The next concern was she was very tall for a mama that was half quarter horse. We had to help her dip her head down under her mother to reach her mother’s milk – the much needed nourishment. I had called vet-tech to come check on Belle make sure the afterbirth was all there and help me get this baby nursing. (soon to be followed by part 2)
Our horses are a community affair. Would you consider donating for hay, farrier care, repairs to tack, medication, or even sponsoring Freya or your favorite horse? Please join us on the the horse adventure!
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