WSS Summer’s end and lil Miss Freya
Freya's loves to be right in your back pocket! Children love Freya - and the feeling is reciprocated. Major love affairs are brewing. WSS Summers end 2023- It's been a great summer (busy ministry season) and the Holy Spirit has been putting in overtime! (Or we've been trying to play catch-up) What is Freya up to now that she is 17 months old? A couple differences from her younger days She is overall a much calmer animal. She has learned to trust and follow. There is less protest about trying something new and more quiet inquisitiveness. She is beginning to link things together. When we catch her from the field, good things are going to happen, and she is going to be rewarded for her work. As Larry Surrett, one of my teachers said, you get paid to go to work, and your horse likes to be paid. How do you pay a little training horse? Here’s a couple ways: 1) take the pressure off immediately when she makes a good choice 2) accept mistakes and [...]