It’s been a year!
This weekend marks a special moment in Kairos time. Let me explain. A year ago, Renee Krider came to WSS on retreat. She had in her heart to find a special place for her little foal. Freya was, at that point, about 8 months old- a filly full of curiosity and warmth. She had won the hearts of those around her, all the family, neighbors and anyone one else who visited the Krider farm.
A few short weeks later, Freya arrived at WSS, and a beautiful process began. Teaching/training a horse is a unique privilege. It also requires courage to work with an animal whose weight is generally 10x-12x greater and whose natural bent is to run away when something doesn’t suit her.
But for those of you following the Freya blog, you know that she is developing a good mind. She has learned all the basics of the correct response to pressure. More than that, she has learned that she is safe and loved. The next year will be quite an adventure as we start with the basics of riding under saddle.
In special celebration of this gift, Renee was here again this year with her group. (see photos) Look at the love that is there between the two of them. Freya melted when Renee touched her. I mentioned the word Kairos above. There are 2 measurements of time, Chronos, the linear time we live in, and Kairos, the opportune time. A time almost outside of time, a moment that begins a new story, a new weaving.
God loves horses. And He demonstrates his Great Love over and over and over again in our herd. Freya and Renee are examples of that love.

What special care do WSS horse receive in the winter? Coming in the next episode of the Freya Blog.