About Susanne Pappal

Susanne is an amateur horsewoman and burgeoning trainer.... and a busy Director of Hospitality at White Sulphur Springs. Her passion for horses is the stuff of legend. After accepting Christ at age 18, she has been living on the edge of God's sanctifying grace. In heaven she hopes to move from horses on to dragons. Roar!

Looking back, looking ahead

Freya is inquisitive about everything. Here she's checking out the newly hung carpenter bee trap. Our first trail ride. Freya is a good girl and she knows it. Donate to WSS Horses It takes a community to care for our horses. Being a non-profit, we are reliant on the generosity of  neighbors, friends, and donors to maintain our herd. Please considering supporting WSS by giving to this very special and beautiful work. Welcome back to the Freya blog! Looking back, our summer here at WSS was one for the books- the largest summer yet. All our programs were well attended and our horse program was the star of our guest events. And little/big Freya. She has truly come into her own. She loves the attention and is curious about everything. It’s quite typical to see guests gathered around her on the other side of the fence while she meets and greets everyone in the crowd. She loves being the star of the show. And now things are going to slow down. For the next [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00October 1st, 2024|Horse, Programs|1 Comment

The summer of humility- heat and flies

Chris Pease and Freya on her first ride. Pure joy! The tire tower. Her favorite game in the whole world! Donate to WSS Horses It takes a community to care for our horses. Being a non-profit, we are reliant on the generosity of  neighbors, friends, and donors to maintain our herd. Please considering supporting WSS by giving to this very special and beautiful work. The more time I spend with Freya, the more I discover about her personality and wiring. She’s grown enormously physically in the last 3 months, thick muscles and a broad neck. This makes her natural bent of extroversion and dominance bring some exciting new challenges. Her desired place is to be right up close in your lap. A 1,300 lb lap dog. Without shutting down her wonderful, open friendliness, I want to keep her at arm’s length (+/- an extra foot) so she doesn’t accidentally step on me. It’s not the big things that are making a difference right now, it’s the little teaching areas that make a difference. She [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00July 10th, 2024|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

Freya- her DNA testing!

Hannah McKinney and Freya have a little snuggle. Hannah is WSS Wrangler staff. Could you be a future wrangler? Freya's Genetic Make-up Who/what is the surprise baby? Freya's DNA results Click here to see Freya's DNA report from Texas A&M Cream Draft Haflinger Garrano Learning to accept the bit should be done in a quiet, gentle way with good encouragement Donate to WSS Horses It takes a community to care for our horses. Being a non-profit, we are reliant on the generosity of  neighbors, friends, and donors to maintain our herd. Please considering supporting WSS by giving to this very special and beautiful work. Freya DNA TEST- BIG NEWS Freya is now a confident 2-year-old filly. She is gentle and feisty at the same time. She is pastured with a mixed herd of other mares and geldings and she can hold her own. If you’ve met Freya, you know she’s not afraid of much. She’s happiest when she has a crowd around her. A generous donor recently [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00May 10th, 2024|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

Where are we going? Spring school begins…

Hey Susanne, where are we going? Freya - not so sure about things Donate to WSS Horses It takes a community to care for our horses. Being a non-profit, we are reliant on the generosity of  neighbors, friends, and donors to maintain our herd. Please considering supporting WSS by giving to this very special and beautiful work. Umbrellas can be scary! Where are we going? In our last blog post, it was bitter cold. Now, spring has not arrived, but there are days when you can smell the potential of new life in the air. The horses are consistently laying down to bask in the sunshine for naps. Often, we have a report from a guest they are concerned that a horse has died in the field. But we know our herd - they are a relaxed bunch with no predators in the area. They enjoy taking a load off after a meal. Come April or May, depending on the growth of the grass, we pull them out of their winter [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00February 27th, 2024|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

It’s cold out there!

Freya happily sporting her thick winter coat Donate to WSS Horses It takes a community to care for our horses. Being a non-profit, we are reliant on the generosity of  neighbors, friends, and donors to maintain our herd. Please considering supporting WSS by giving to this very special and beautiful work. In the bleak midwinter…. It’s cold out there. I pray you are keeping warm and your driveway shoveled. At White Sulphur Springs, it is always a challenge to keep up with the camp roads and staff homes. We shovel, it snows, we shovel, it snows. Most of the ground is covered with ice chunks, covered again with snow. It’s even more challenging to keep up with horse care and feeding during the winter. Water tanks freeze despite all the many ways we mitigate the cold. The ground is slippery and moving horses safely is very challenging. The WSS Wrangler team works very hard during the winter to make sure our herd stays healthy. In the winter our horses are confined to smaller pastures. Each pasture is equipped with [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00January 17th, 2024|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

It’s been a year!

Renee Krider and Freya Donate to WSS Horses It takes a community to care for our horses. Being a non-profit, we are reliant on the generosity of  neighbors, friends, and donors to maintain our herd. Please considering supporting WSS by giving to this very special and beautiful work. It’s been a year! This weekend marks a special moment in Kairos time. Let me explain. A year ago, Renee Krider came to WSS on retreat. She had in her heart to find a special place for her little foal. Freya was, at that point, about 8 months old- a filly full of curiosity and warmth. She had won the hearts of those around her, all the family, neighbors and anyone one else who visited the Krider farm. A few short weeks later, Freya arrived at WSS, and a beautiful process began. Teaching/training a horse is a unique privilege. It also requires courage to work with an animal whose weight is generally 10x-12x greater and whose natural bent is to run away when something doesn’t suit her. But for those of [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00November 4th, 2023|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

Speaking the language of horse

Freya learning how to learn -a tinch reactive :) Video - 4 minutes of beautiful horse training! Our horses are a community affair. Would you consider donating for hay, farrier care, repairs to tack, medication, or even sponsoring Freya or your favorite horse? Please join us on the the horse adventure! Donate to WSS Horses Tell me where you struggle, and I can tell you where God is working- where you can experience God. God is a speaking God, but sometimes my ears are stuffed-shut with my own noise. Jesus tells the woman at the well in John 4:24 God is spirit, and those that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. Many times in my walk with God I complain that I’m stuck in the world of black-n-white words. My heart is seeking transformational relational wisdom, and I am blocked in the intellectual, informational, head knowledge world. So I complain. The reason for my complaint is that at the time the Scripture would begin to open to me, I’ve already left my [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00October 8th, 2023|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

Adventures of a fumbling horse trainer :)

Freya is still growing. And she grows more beautiful each day. This is the other new animal in training. Meet Anuk, the 10 week old Siberian Husky from Bedford Humane Society. Donate to WSS Horses Our horses are a community affair. Would you consider donating for hay, farrier care, repairs to tack, medication, or even sponsoring Freya or your favorite horse? Please join us on the the horse adventure! Every time we try something new, there’s always a first time. Freya is my first horse to fully train. I’ve done bits and pieces with other horses on our string, but never the start to finish before. I believe I was my own biggest nay-sayer. And why not train? Well, if you listen to many horse trainers, the one thing you consistently hear is…its dangerous. :0 I’m also training a new puppy now, a white Siberian Husky named Anuk. I am often so thankful she doesn’t weight 1,000 lbs like Freya does. They are both animals, so there are some similarities in training. For [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00September 3rd, 2023|Horse, Programs|0 Comments

WSS Summer’s end and lil Miss Freya

Freya's loves to be right in your back pocket! Children love Freya - and the feeling is reciprocated. Major love affairs are brewing. WSS Summers end 2023- It's been a great summer (busy ministry season) and the Holy Spirit has been putting in overtime! (Or we've been trying to play catch-up) What is Freya up to now that she is 17 months old? A couple differences from her younger days 😊 She is overall a much calmer animal. She has learned to trust and follow. There is less protest about trying something new and more quiet inquisitiveness. She is beginning to link things together. When we catch her from the field, good things are going to happen, and she is going to be rewarded for her work. As Larry Surrett, one of my teachers said, you get paid to go to work, and your horse likes to be paid. How do you pay a little training horse? Here’s a couple ways: 1) take the pressure off immediately when she makes a good choice 2) accept mistakes and [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00August 7th, 2023|Horse, Programs|1 Comment

Freya’s first WSS summer

Freya's beautiful adult (ish) profile. She loves children. She looks like a little girl playing dress-up. An awkward duck. We are almost at the halfway point of White Sulphur Springs summer! Freya is 15 months old and her body is changing. She is growing every day to look more and more like an adult horse. Additionally, another curious change is happening with her... While working with her over the last two months I’ve begun to be able to better see inside of her. Prior to that, she would look at me with some uncertainty during our trainings. She wasn't sure if she wanted to follow me. She would do what I asked out of obedience, but there was not trust there yet. That has begun to change. Now, the more I work with her, the more I find that she is trying to understand.  She is trying to find a way to do what I’m asking. And if I mess up, she’ll wait patiently until we can work together to figure it out. That doesn’t mean that [...]

By |2025-02-14T22:01:09+00:00June 30th, 2023|Horse, Programs|0 Comments
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