What is the Andrew Baer Memorial Fund?
Donations to the Andrew Baer fund are processed through the National Christian Foundation. You can donate to the fund a number of ways:
- You can mail a check to: National Christian Foundation, 1150 Sanctuary Parkway Suite 350, Alpharetta GA 30009. Please make your check payable to National Christian Foundation, and note The Andrew Baer Memorial Fund, #2927629, in the memo area.
- Click here to transfer securities. Select from the list for your particular gift and follow instructions. Or, you can contact NCF at 1.866.580.4483.
- For non-liquid gifts such as business interests, real estate, restricted securities, or estate gifts, please contact Paul Forbes or Bobbi Griffith at: 816.903.3399.
NCF will issue and transmit receipt for each eligible contribution to the Andrew Baer Memorial Fund given through NCF.

Andrew’s Story:
A Prodigal Journey, A Walk of Faith
Andrew Baer grew up in an Army family and was born at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Like most military children, he had the privilege of moving around the United States and the opportunity to live overseas (in Germany).
He truly enjoyed traveling and living the culture wherever his family was assigned during his parents’ military careers. He graduated with a BA from George Mason University and was involved in restructuring the GMU Student Association and serving as Treasurer for the Humanitarian Action Working Group. Andrew also received an MA from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
After graduation, Andrew worked for the Intelleger Risk Management Company, providing security for the Kajaki Dam Reconstruction Project in Afghanistan. Andrew served as the Site Security Intelligence Officer, working with both U.S. military and Afghan security forces. Andrew’s efforts were recognized by USAID in Kabul in that they used his product as the standard and “go-to” document for reference in the area of operations. Andrew served as an EMT with the Buckhall Fire Department for three years. He was a consummate professional and delivered work of the highest standard.
Because of his experiences as an “Army Brat,” Andrew continued to enjoy traveling during his free time as an adult. He completed a trip to Machu Picchu to celebrate the completion of his graduate degree. He was always interested in giving to others and kept busy by volunteering with their local HOA and coaching soccer for the local community.
More important than these activities and accomplishments was Andrew’s faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Andrew grew up in a strong Christian home but went through a prodigal period in his life where he walked away from his Christian faith and upbringing. He spent time searching for answers and truth. In God’s grace, he was brought back to where he started and he rededicated his life to Christ.
Andrew often attended camp and events at White Sulphur Springs. As an adult, he spent vacation time and volunteered to serve on staff as a counselor for Allegheny Outback (AO!). White Sulphur Springs was an incredibly powerful and important part of Andrew’s journey and Christian walk. It played an important role in bringing him to saving faith in Christ, and in turn, he gave back to White Sulphur Springs by serving on staff so that the Lord could use him to be a positive influence in the spiritual journeys of others.
Andrew’s life is not so much about his birth, his accomplishments or even his death—caused by a tragic accident while he was en route home from Afghanistan—but rather it is about his faith walk with Christ, his prodigal journey that saw him walk away from and then return to his Christian faith. The Lord used White Sulphur Springs in Andrew’s life as a child and as an adult, and he desired to be part of that process for others. Join us in honoring Andrew’s memory and continuing what he started by supporting the Andrew Baer Memorial Fund.

EMS Award honoring Andrew
“Andrew was my 2014 AO! Counselor. I am so grateful to have been able to get to know him because, though the time was short, he wasted not one moment. I have many fond memories of him. My favorite and most vivid being when he single-handedly canoed my brother down the river because he had gotten sick and thrown up. Andrew was marked by Christ-like love and servant-hood. I wish there were more men like him.”
“Over the many years of AO! that I’ve done, I have had many amazing counselors but none like Andrew Baer. He was kind, light-hearted, and genuinely cared for each and every one of us campers. He was the exact friend I needed during that point in my life. His quiet nature made it easy to talk to him. He had a genuine interest in me and my life. I will miss him greatly, and he will always be remembered.”
“I will always remember Andrew’s challenge to me. He asked, ‘How do you tell who the second lieutenant is in a platoon of Soldiers?’ He said, ‘He is the guy with the messed-up shirt, who looks like he had no sleep last night, and the man with the worst MRE to eat. But you know what? Every Soldier in that platoon looks happy, well dressed and properly fed because the lieutenant is more concerned with their needs than his own…Be that guy.’ “
Memorial and Prayer Wall
Use the following form to tell us and others how Andrew Baer impacted your life, or to offer up a prayer request or a praise. All content is held in moderation, and will not appear until the administrator approves your message. Once your message is received and approved, we will share it according to your instructions.
Use the following form to tell us and others how Andrew Baer impacted your life, or to offer up a prayer request or a praise. All content is held in moderation, and will not appear until the administrator approves your message. Once your message is received and approved, we will share it according to your instructions.
Janet Garland Payne
Donating to the Andrew Baer scholarship in tribute & congratulations to his brother Eric upon a successful first semester at VMI. Eric looks so happy. Big brother Andrew was/is (I don’t believe in speaking or writing in the past tense with physical death, do you?) very proud of Eric for working toward his goals and blazing his own trails. Andrew will forever live on in his parents Jane & Bob, his Opa Wooley, in his loving siblings and yes, in the heart of this neighbor who smiled when the Baer Brothers played in the yard.
Received: February 12, 2021
Janet Garland Payne
God Bless the memory of Andrew Baer. You live on in the hearts of your dear mom and dad. You would be so proud of your “little” brother Eric as he graduates high school with a fantastic GPA and heads to VMI. Plus he looks like you!
Received: May 15, 2020
Travis Woolley
May we all honor Andrew's life and journey, especially as a Christian. Andrew lives on in many ways, such as this program. Those of us who were lucky enough to cross paths with him know how blessed we are. Andrew is still helping others cross paths with Him.
Received: March 11, 2020
This prayer has been answered!
Andrew was an EMT with Buckhall Volunteer Fire & Rescue and he was my partner for 4 years every Wednesday evening. Andrew was in his mid twenties and a world traveler. He saw more of the world in his short life than I have ever seen. It's true what they say. There is a bond that just can't be described. You know what each other is thinking before you get on scene. You know each other's strengths and you compensate for one another's weaknesses. He was a true partner and brother. Andrew you will never be forgotten and I am so grateful for the time we spent together. Rest in peace brother.
Received: February 22, 2020
Five years already? I couldn’t believe it when I read that. I remember we were set to go camping that weekend. We had talked about camping on Assateague for years but something always got in the way. I had the car all packed up ready to go. I called you earlier in the day so we could hash out when we were going to meet. As usual we had waited to the last minute to actually make any kind of concrete plan. When you didn’t pick up, i figured you were delayed, or more likely had forgotten to charge your phone on the long flight. But that was normal for us, head out on a whim, roll with whatever happens, make the plan as we go.
I still keep you close. Just a few weeks ago I was telling someone a story about you. One of those we would recall every time we got together. Sometimes I tell them because they’re important, like proving it’s good to roll with what life throws at you. Sometimes I just tell them for fun, we had a lot to laugh about looking back at ourselves. Sometimes I just tell them for me.
People that have never met you, will never get the chance, still know the kind of person you were and what you meant to us. I’m glad life has kept me nearby the last few years so that on your birthday I still get to visit your piece of land that overlooks the water. Tonight I’ll reminisce with our old pictures, watch Master and Commander, and lament that those are the only stories I will get to tell about you.
I miss you bud
Received: February 14, 2020
Stephanie Lloyd
Five years have passed...praying God’s continued comfort for Andrew’s family. Jane’s reliance on the Lord & their family’s strong faith has been an example to so many of God’s faithfulness & love. Praying for the family continually. May Andrew’s legacy & this memorial fund continue.
Received: February 14, 2020
Chrystal and Christopher Kreft
I continuously hope for strength for the Baer Family.... i know it’s past his 30th birthday but i still want to wish him a Happy Birthday in heaven.... he makes Christopher smile everyday he goes to work with the picture of Andrew on his desk. He made everyone smile the moment he walked in the room. I wish my kiddos could’ve gotten to know uncle Andrew more but they did meet him as little babies.... we still have the bears and Irish abc book he gave them. He will forever be in our hearts. We love you Andrew and Baer Family!
Received: February 15, 2019
This prayer has been answered!
Guil Fisher
Having just heard this tragic news, I cannot believe such a vital young man is gone. He wrote a play called Kindergarten Philosophy and I directed it for him in New York City. It went over very well. We all loved working with him as he came up the day we put on his play. I had told him about his gift for writing and suggested he write about his experiences in Afghanistan which he was interested in doing. He sent me an email with his ideas, which I treasure, and I encouraged him to write it as a play or film. He was a brilliant young man and I miss him very much.
Received: March 6, 2018
Janet Pendergraph
The Baers are my neighbors and Mama Baer Jane is my good friend. Oh how she loved/still loves, but of course, her eldest son. Jane & Bob laughed, cried, shared & mentored Andrew and the three younger baby Baers through the various trials and triumphs that our children face. It is a testament to Jane that she soldiers on (pun intended) to love, encourage and celebrate her three surviving children. She has shared with me that while she recognizes that the earthly loss of Andrew will always haunt his siblings, she wants her Emily, Lillian and Eric to thrive, be happy and know they are so loved and that their big brother would tell them he wants them to smile and follow their paths.
What are my fondest memories of Andrew? 1. His curly dark hair. 2. The sound of his car stereo coming down the court tuned to the 70s and 80s music of my day! 3. Seeing Andrew not only take the time to play and goof in the yard with his younger sibs, particularly much younger brother Eric, but I could see in his body language that he truly enjoyed himself.
Received: February 13, 2018
As a military child, I grew up moving around from place to place, constantly meeting new people, trying new foods, learning new cultures. I apologize in advance, and ask that you forgive the following cliché, for though it is overused, it is one of the truest things I can say: out of all the individuals I have had the pleasure of knowing, Andrew Baer was and is, hands down, one of the best. I knew of him as my friend’s big brother for a few years, but I really got to know him as the man of God he was in 2014, when he was my camp counselor.
If you met Andrew, even if you only talked to him for a moment or two, you’d be able to tell he was, (and again, I ask for your forgiveness, this time for the following pun) not your average Baer. There was this depth to him that you do not often see, especially in someone his age. I had the pleasure of talking to him for three out of the twelve miles we hiked. If I could go back and tell my little teenaged self to write down every word he said, I would. He was full of knowledge. And, he was full of stories – stories that I could hardly believe had truly happened – much less happened to him!rr5
Who was this young 20-something-year-old who had worked every job under the sun, and why was he in the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania with a bunch of high school campers when he’d been hiking Machu Picchu weeks before? Why was he investing in me? Why was he listening to my struggles, encouraging me in my hopes and dreams, and sharing his with me? Did he not know he had already accomplished more than I ever could? Why – because he was an imitator of Christ.
Andrew Baer was a learner, lover, and doer of the Word. He lived fully, loved intentionally, and did everything wholeheartedly. I often wish I had just five more minutes to talk to him, or a few more notes on things he shared with me, but then I remind myself that I have not said “goodbye,” to my brother in Christ, but rather a casual “see ya later.”