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ROTC cadets and midshipmen of the East Coast: Don’t miss the annual Eastern ROTC Retreat at White Sulphur Springs! Complete with sessions led by USN Chaplain RDML Carey Cash, a junior officer panel, breakout sessions, free time activities, and fantastic meals in the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania, this weekend retreat is sure to encourage you as you prepare to serve as a Christian in our nation’s military.

Speaker:  USN CH RDML Cary Cash

Topic: The Difference of a Christian Officer

Cost: $90/cadet or midshipman; $192/ per adult, $345 per couple

Host Ministries: OCF, Valor, Navigators

For additional information or questions, please email LTC Greg Lane, USAR (Ret.): lanenormang@hotmail.com

About the speaker: USN CH (RDML) Carey Cash currently serves as the Chaplain of the Marine Corps and Deputy Chief of Navy Chaplains.  He graduated from The Citadel (1992) where he was a varsity football player and active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).  He received his Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1998 and has served in ministry at various churches and in the military for thirty years.  He attended Boston University where he received a Master of Theology with a concentration in ethics (2008); and obtained his Doctor of Ministry degree from The Catholic University of America (2017).  He has served with a variety of Marine units and Navy ships.  He and his wife, Charity, have been married for thirty-one years and are blessed with nine children, five of whom are in college and career and four still at home.  His wife is a full-time homeschool teacher and his best friend.  He is the author of A Table In The Presence: A Dramatic Account of How a Marine Battalion Experienced God’s Presence in the Chaos of the War in Iraq (published 2004).  

Registration for ROTC is now closed. If you have a question for the front office, Please call 814-623-5583. Thank you.

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