OCF ROTC Leaders Conference

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Join OCF and ROTC leaders from major universities to build and sharpen your ministry to cadets and midshipmen. Register here or call White Sulphur Springs' Office if you have a question, (814) 623-5583

OCF Spring Break Service/Adventure Week

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

This is a full week “missions trip” at an OCF conference center for cadets and mids to give back while having fun and deep Christian fellowship. Service projects are designed for cadets and midshipman to spend time with one another and with a senior mentor. Meals and lodging are provided by OCF. Work 4 days and get the 5th day for adventures in the local area – or work 6 days and receive 2 adventure days! Adventure may include skiing, hiking, camping, or maybe just time for reflection.” RSVP by 1 MAR.  Please call the WSS office if you have any questions (814)623-5583 or email wssoffice@ocfusa.org.

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