Pandemic Marriage Retreat 2020: Building Healthy Marriages
White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United StatesMarriage is tough. It's tougher when you're living in the midst of a global pandemic called COVID-19. The unrelenting pressure of close quarters and life-altering changes to daily routines will test the best of marriages. Proven blueprints from the Scriptures will offer hope, help you rise above "corona fights," and thrive in your marriage! This weekend will offer 5 marriage-strengthening sessions beginning on Friday night. A children's program is included while you participate in the speaker sessions. The program will begin with dinner on Friday evening at 6 p.m. and extend through lunch on Sunday. Saturday evening will include a date night dinner and couples evening. Bring nice clothes (smart casual) for that evening. We are praying for you! For a strong marriage and a weekend away from the stresses of daily life. Come be our guest. Speakers: Keith and Sharon Morgan Keith and Sharon have been serving with Cru Military since October 2004 after Keith transitioned from the Army, having completed 26 years of active duty and retiring in the rank of Colonel. While serving in a variety of Army command and staff assignments in the [...]