WSS Spring Staff Reunion

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Calling all previous Senior Staffers! Come together for a weekend to reconnect, reflect, and remember. Do you miss your summers at Camp Caleb, AO!, and the Harrison House? Come back to revisit these places and meet up with the people you may have lost contact with over the years. White Sulphur Springs has grown and expanded, so take the time to see the new additions and chat with the staff. We will have campfires, time on the new high ropes course, horseback riding, a classic “western night” event (Pete included!), and much more. And lastly, bring your staff shirt if you still have it! Cost: $69 per adult/night, $35 teen (13-19), $25 youth(5-12), free (4 and under) Discounts: Staffers from 2013-2018: 30% discount- $96.60, Staffers from 2012 and back: 20% discount- $110.40 Register here for WSS Staff Reunion

OCF Field Staff Conference

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

OCF will hold the Fall Field Staff Conference at beautiful White Sulphur Springs. Please complete your registration here. Please register NLT 13 October.  Thank you and God bless your ministry. Please be  include all your guests and note the ages of children attending. This form should take you about 2 minutes. The event begins with dinner on Sunday 27 OCT until breakfast Friday 1 NOV.  

Christmas Open House

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

The White Sulphur Springs Christmas Open House

WSS Fine Dining

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Announcing the beginning of a new tradition at White Sulphur Springs- fine dining. This Christmas culinary experience is designed to highlight the talent of our kitchen and create a festive holiday evening for you and your special date or friends.


Valentine's Getaway

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Healthy marriages don’t happen by accident—they are the result of commitment and deliberate efforts to keep the relationship centered on Christ and growing closer together. Join us 16-19 February (Presidents’ Day weekend) and put some deliberate effort into strengthening your marriage.

OCF Spring Break Service/Adventure Week

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

This is a full week “missions trip” at an OCF conference center for cadets and mids to give back while having fun and deep Christian fellowship. Service projects are designed for cadets and midshipman to spend time with one another and with a senior mentor. Meals and lodging are provided by OCF. Work 4 days and get the 5th day for adventures in the local area – or work 6 days and receive 2 adventure days! Adventure may include skiing, hiking, camping, or maybe just time for reflection.” RSVP by 1 MAR.  Please call the WSS office if you have any questions (814)623-5583 or email [email protected].

Time for Tea

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Bring a friend and be our guest! Friends and neighbors, please come join us for high tea and enjoy the beauty of the Springs for an afternoon. Our kitchen staff pulls out all the stops to create a delightful 'high tea' afternoon. Christ is the center of our gathering and you are our beloved guests. Please call to make reservations: (814)623-5583


Fall Volunteer Period: 15-25 Sept

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

WSS Fall Volunteer period

Pandemic Marriage Retreat 2020: Building Healthy Marriages

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Marriage is tough. It's tougher when you're living in the midst of a global pandemic called COVID-19. The unrelenting pressure of close quarters and life-altering changes to daily routines will test the best of marriages. Proven blueprints from the Scriptures will offer hope, help you rise above "corona fights," and thrive in your marriage! This weekend will offer 5 marriage-strengthening sessions beginning on Friday night. A children's program is included while you participate in the speaker sessions. The program will begin with dinner on Friday evening at 6 p.m. and extend through lunch on Sunday. Saturday evening will include a date night dinner and couples evening. Bring nice clothes (smart casual) for that evening. We are praying for you! For a strong marriage and a weekend away from the stresses of daily life. Come be our guest. Speakers: Keith and Sharon Morgan Keith and Sharon have been serving with Cru Military since October 2004 after Keith transitioned from the Army, having completed 26 years of active duty and retiring in the rank of Colonel. While serving in a variety of Army command and staff assignments in the [...]

WSS Couples Getaway

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Valentine's Day is coming early in 2021! Spend the weekend away with your sweetheart, engage in sessions from speakers Doug and Michelle Orsi, dive into the Word to deepen your marriage, and enjoy activities like horseback riding and a date night dinner. Children's program available.

OCF Local Leader Conference

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

If you’ve ever wanted to lead a small group or you’re PCS-ing and want to start a group, this conference is for you. Gather with current and potential leaders of local OCF fellowships to advance God’s kingdom within the military community and to equip lay leaders with practical tools for everyday ministry.

Eastern ROTC OCF/Valor/Navs Retreat

White Sulphur Springs Conference Center 4500 Milligans Cove Road, Manns Choice, PA, United States

Join cadets and midshipmen from various ROTC programs across the region as they gather at White Sulphur Springs for a weekend of fellowship. 

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