Give to a WSS fund
Your monetary gift supports the ongoing ministry of OCF at White Sulphur Springs in eternal ways. Choose how your donation supports the ministry by finding a designated fund below that aligns with your interests.
Please make checks out to White Sulphur Springs or OCF and send to White Sulphur Springs, 4500 Milligans Cove Rd, Manns Choice, PA 15550. Please indicate your intention for the gift in the memo line. If no designation is made, we will allocate your gift to WSS General Operations.
Donate through your online registration profile. Click here to log in, then donate online. Gifts can be setup as recurring or one-time gifts by clicking the left Donations icon.
WSS Ministry Operation – where most needed: Thank you for your trust and generosity. Giving to this fund will help fund programs, operations, maintenance and personnel expenses.
WSS EXSEL Discipleship Program Expenses: Invest in our interns! The EXSEL Discipleship Program is impacting lives in a profound way. It is absolutely amazing to see what the Lord does in the life of a young adult who gives a year of their life to serve at WSS and grow in their faith. Your gift will support this important program and help us continue developing the next generation of Christian leaders.
WSS Horse Program: Sponsor our steeds! It costs $120/month to feed and care for each horse here at WSS. By sponsoring a horse, you can choose to support your favorite horse (or multiple horses!). This money will go straight toward grain, hay, care items, medical bills, and farrier appointments. Give according to one of the following sponsorship levels: 1. Colts: $10-$19/month 2. Yearlings: $20-$49/month 3. Stallions: $50-$100/month. When you make a donation, please make sure to write the name of the horse you would like to support in the comment box.
WSS Facility Maintenance: Help us take care of our facilities. From maintenance, repairs and small projects, your gifts to this fund will help us steward the multiple facilities at WSS.
WSS Brick Campaign: Fund our future! Purchase an 8 X 8 inscribed paver brick to be set into the flagpole area outside the entrance to Heritage House. Design an inscription to fit on 5 lines of 15 places per line (include punctuation and blank spaces in this count). Located at the flagstone area of our Heritage House entrance, these 8 x 8 commemorative bricks will help fund the ongoing maintenance of the new facility. Join us in supporting White Sulphur Springs in this way while also personalizing a brick in memory of a loved one, to share your family’s life verse, to honor your military unit, to celebrate an anniversary, or to inscribe a prayer or blessing for all who come to Heritage House. Don’t hesitate to contact us about purchasing a brick paver.
Andrew Baer Memorial Fund: This fund is now administered through the National Christian Foundation with the full support of White Sulphur Springs. This fund is to ensure others, like Andrew, have the opportunity to return to their faith. WSS was so integral in the development of his faith as a child and his return to faith as an adult. Pease help us ensure that his purpose in life continues beyond his physical death. Learn more about this fund here.
WSS Youth Programs: The power of camp in a young person’s life cannot be understated. Many of our campers make a decision for Christ during their camp. Support WSS Allegheny Outback! or Camp Caleb.
WSS Sustain and Expand: Donations to sustain and expand our facilities allow us to ministry to the military community in new and better ways. These donations allow us to renovate and replace facilities that have not kept pace with White Sulphur Springs’ record breaking ministry growth. Example projects include the water system project and the Bowling Alley renovation.
Fisher House Renovation: The Fisher House, or The Arlington Inn from the late 1700s, is being modernized for our in-coming Facilities Director and family. Thank you for helping restore this historic part of WSS.
WSS/OCF giving pledge to you
We humbly thank you for your donation to Officers’ Christian Fellowship, its conference centers and all the programs that support our military with the love of Christ. Your gift enables ministry far across the globe and close to our hearts with the unique outreach of OCF.
Officers’ Christian Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN: 38-1415401. OCF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support a particular ministry, program, or project, but subject to IRS rules, contributions are made with the understanding that OCF has control and administration over all donated funds. OCF is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
If you have any questions about the use of your gift, please don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions. OCF Home Office 1-800-424-1984, White Sulphur Springs 1-814-623-5583
In Christ, Your WSS/OCF team
White Sulphur Springs continues to thrive because people like you regularly give to the ongoing needs of the ministry. There are many unique ways you can help financially. You can also partner with us by volunteering your time. Learn about volunteer opportunities here.